Holidaying with a large crowd? Effortless Planning Tips for Your Large Family Retreat


Planning a holiday for a large family can often feel like orchestrating a grand symphony. You have a diverse group of individuals, each with their unique needs and preferences, all looking forward to a harmonious, enjoyable time together. With 30 people in the picture, there are many pieces to bring together, ensuring a delightful and stress-free getaway for all. But fret not; the perfect family vacation is indeed possible with thoughtful planning and organization!

Get Organised in Advance:

Embarking on a holiday with thirty family members is no small feat. It requires meticulous planning and a touch of foresight. To begin, outline everyone’s expectations, dietary preferences, and essential needs. Be proactive in decision-making to ensure a smooth, agreeable experience for all.

Tip: Start early with a meal plan. A well-thought-out menu not only caters to everyone's palate but also saves precious holiday time spent in the kitchen. You don't want to be slaving over a hot stove while others are soaking up the sun. Consider arranging for private chefs or welcome meals through Hesdin to ease the culinary load.

Smart Packing:

Ensure everyone packs what they need without going overboard. Overpacking is a common travel faux pas; you might end up with a mountain of luggage for a hill-station trip!

Tip: If it looks like you're playing a game of Tetris with your luggage, remember, Hesdin can provide extra items like towels and slippers.

Create a Group Chat:

A group chat keeps everyone on the same page, sharing plans, updates, and essential information seamlessly. Plus, it’s a great way to share excitement and build anticipation for the journey ahead! Share things like the last minute information we send you, door access codes ( you won’t believe how many guests we see walking around trying to ring the lead booker to get in.

Pre-Arrival Grocery Shopping:

Arrive to a fully-stocked pantry by planning your grocery shopping in advance. You can order supplies online to be delivered directly to your Hesdin home on arrival day. It’s bad enough getting a delivery for 4 and putting it away, 30 is a whole lot of food. Chat to The Reservation Crew about adding this to your order

Shop Extras

We’ve curated a collection of extras that guests love and we know makes your stay even easier.

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Allocate Responsibilities:

Assigning tasks and responsibilities ensures that the workload is shared, creating a collaborative and supportive holiday environment where everyone contributes.

Plan Group & Individual Activities:

Planning activities that cater to the group and individual preferences ensures everyone has a memorable experience. But don’t pack too much in. Remember we’ve already equipped you with an insane pool, hot tub, and games rooms. Having these all to yourself is nothing short of amazing. Keep time in your trip to enjoy it.

Cocktail Night Idea:

A cocktail night where each couple brings a unique drink adds a splash of fun and creativity to the evening, sparking joy and laughter amongst the adults. Carnage with 30 of you, but we won’t judge!

Communicate with Your Host:

Your hosts at Hesdin are invaluable resources for insider tips and advice, helping you navigate your stay with ease and confidence. We can provide you with a list of what each house has to offer so there’s no duplication and can even recommend who goes in what bedroom based on your preferences.


With these practical tips, your large family holiday at Hesdin can be a breeze, filled with joyous moments and cherished memories, devoid of the usual stress and chaos that comes with big group travel. So, start planning, get packing, and look forward to an unforgettable getaway with your loved ones!


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